Century Race

2024 – year of the Dragon. We kicked it off with the Century Race – a 100m race which may seem short but requires aggressive strokes and bursts of energy.

The race was held at an unconventional location – Jurong Lake which is located in the far west part of the island. Our team travelled to Passion Wave@ Jurong Lake to train in order to get familiarized with the water condition there which is notorious for its ‘heavy water’.

On 9th March, the site was blessed with fine weather. Was it due to the ”Bawang” sets (Garlic / Onion / Chilli) that QL/SDBA painstakingly prepared and used to pray hard for good weather? It was certainly a beautiful day with clear blue skies.

We were not there on day 2 but we heard there was wet weather and capsizes. Not so lucky.

Our team took part in the Women and Senior Mixed category.

Our senior team had a very good start, coming in the first position in the heats which led to direct semi-finals (SF). The women team performed relatively well and came in 2nd in the heats. The good timing ushered us into direct semi-finals as well. 

For the ladies, it was a very commendable effort and a good start for the year. We knew the competition in the category was going to be tough, but we went in, gave our all and bull-dozed into the semifinals. Fantastic feat – well done, ladies!

Both teams met with strong opponents in the semis and the amazing timings clocked by them pushed us into lower ranks in both categories. Despite this, our senior team marched into the Minor Finals and Won. 2nd runners-up! GREAT work seniors – HIGHLIGHT of the day!

After the ”high” from the win, it was time to fill our bellies. We rewarded ourselves in heartlands hawker centers, neighborhood kopitiams and some places a bit more ATAS (for those with deep pockets) ……BUT ………….

Nothing beats the post-race celebration 2 weeks later, where we reminisced exciting race moments over pizzas, tasty wings & drumlets, chips & crackers and (sinfully) sugared drinks, under the stars at WSC.

The Century Race is a curtain raiser for many more races SDBA has lined for the rest of the year. There is SDBF, Pesta Sukan, Austcham, Sea Regatta, SRW and overseas races.

The targets have been set and we will be training hard to reach greater heights. We know we can.

2024. Year of the Dragon. Gunning for Podium.

Watch Out. We are U Dragons.

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