SDBF 2016

We took part in Singapore Dragonboat Festival race which was held on the 23rd and 24th July. Unlike previous years, the race site was at Marina Channel at Garden by the Bay East. It was a 500m race and we sent one team down in the Premier Open category. This team team trained dedicately for about a month after DBS regatta race in June.


In the heats, our team managed to come in 3rd placing with a timing of 2min 33s, falling behind Canadian dragons and HP dragons but beating Japan dragons and Silent dragons @ Bukit Gombak CSC. Next, we proceeded to the repecharge event later on. Our team was paddling hard and on par with most of teams until the last 100m where we lose out to Tampines Changkat and British dragons due to weaker last burst. Settling at 3rd position again, we managed to overcome team Sleipnir and Austcham though.


Our team managed to qualify for the semi-finals despite the 3rd placing, given the better and improved timings of 2min 32s in repecharge. The competition in the semi was stiff and fierce with stronger opponents from SAFSA, Trident (AMK-Hougang) CSC, SAFRA, Canadian dragons and Moulmein. Paddled with all efforts and heart out, We still couldn’t overcome all of them but able to improve our timing further by 1s. The performance in this race was overall satisfactory but there is room for improvement especially in the aspects of endurance, starts and last charge.


DBS Marina Regatta 2016

The largest water festival event DBS Marina Regatta happened again this year, spanning 4 days over the weekend of 28th May and 4th June 2016. Similar to previous years, the race comprised of two racing distance, i.e. 200m and 500m but the prize/award is separated for each race distance category this year. We participated in the premier women 200m, premier open 200m, premier mixed 200m & 500m.


In the premier women 200m category, our team had a good head start in the first heat, emerged as the winner beating teams like Ironwill (Tampine Changkat), Tampines North and SAP dragons with a timing of 1:04:82s. The stellar performance entitled the team to enter straight to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals, our girls raced really hard against strong competitors like Team Rocket, Austcham, NTU and Canadian dragons but losing out in the end, settled at 5th placing and only outperformed Team Rocketeers. Their fighting spirit was clearly visible and felt across the shore while they were trying to maintain their composure in paddling. It was a good performance as evident in the last burst where all were crossing the finishing line neck-to-neck.


The premier open 200m team lose out a bit in the first heat with timing of 0:52:46s, settling at 5th placing behind team NUS, Police Sports Association, Filipino Dragons and Kiyah-Splashh. The team changed strategy, redeemed in repecharge and emerged as runner up falling slightly behind Filipino dragons with improved timing of 0:51:83s. This qualified the team for semi-finals. The team couldn’t replicate the success in semi-finals and finished at 6th position behind team Mountbatten CSC, Pacific West, Filipino dragons, Paddlers Against Limit (PALS) and Kembangan Chai Chee CSC (REACH). Nonetheless, it was a good attempt.


The premier mixed 200m team didn’t perform quite as expected in the first heat due to some issues at the start and lost their composure along the way, finished at 6th placing against other stronger competitors like SPC, PLK, SP alumni, Spanish Armada and Trident (AMK-Hougang CSC). There were no second chance as the repecharge event was cancelled due to bad weather.


Meanwhile, the premier mixed 500m team performed well in the first heat with a timing of 2:38:37s despite coming in 3rd position, finishing slightly behind SIM and Gajah Mada Paddle club but overtook team Kembangan Chai Chee (REACH) and Ironwill (Tampines Changkat). The good timing paved way to direct semi-finals. In the semi-finals, our team beat PLK and NTU but lose out to SPC, Multiform development & construction and German dragons. The performance was satisfactory as it met its objective and expectation.


Despite having some hit and miss, the team overall performed relatively well in DBS Marina Regatta race this year. It is a good race experience for all and a good opportunity to measure ourselves against other competitors out there on national level.


PA paddlefest 2016

Our team participated in the PA Paddlefest on 2nd April which was organized by People’s Association and Water Venture and held at Punggol Reservoir. We took part in the intergeneration mixed and community sports club mixed categories under Bukit Batok East CSC who also supported our participation.


Our intergeneration mixed team managed to came in 2nd place in the first heat after winning teams like Dragon Wave (Eunos CSC) and Yio Chu Kang CSC but falling slightly behind team TJ Seahawk. In the repecharge, the intergeneration team came into 2nd position, finishing behind Sengkang Central CSC in a very close call.


Meanwhile, our Community Sports Club mixed team came in second position in the first heat, finished slightly behind Bishan East-Thomson CSC but overcame teams from Nee Soon South CSC and Yio Chu Kang CSC. The team improved their timing from 1:03:01 to 1:02:07 in the repecharge in a tough competition, beating teams like Punggol North CSC and Yio Chu Kang to advance to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals, our team couldn’t win competitors from Ironwill (Tampines Changkat) and Tampines North CSC despite giving out their best, ending in the 4th position.


Although we didn’t manage to advance to any finals, the racing has shown very good effort and teamwork especially from some of the new paddlers who have never raced before.


Dragonboat experience 2016


Interested in trying out dragonboat sports? Come join us for our dragonboat tryout / recruitment drive.

Date & Time: 30 January 2016 (Saturday), 2.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Kallang Water Sports Centre.

Register here

*No registration fee, prior paddling experience needed. Lifevest & paddle will be provided. 

For further queries, you may email us at or message us at our facebook page.



Dragonbattle @ OCC Club Mad Day

We participated in a mini dragonbattle race organized by Dragonboat Innovate (DBI) in conjunction with Orchid Country Club (OCC) Club Mad Day on 14 Nov.

The mini battle is among our team and three other opponents from NEA, SIT and Team Phoenix. Two out of three teams beat Team Phoenix and Team NEA respectively to emerge as winner and 1st-runner up.

It was overall a fun and enjoyable paddling experience for all especially the new members who haven’t attempted such a challenge before.


Meanwhile, kudos too to some of the team members who went and completed the Spartan race on the next day, an obstacle run organized by Reebok.


Singapore River Regatta 2015

Despite the unusual frequent haze condition this year, the 33rd Singapore River Regatta was able to proceed on the weekend of 31st October & 1st November with the blessing of clear weather after a heavy downpour a few days before. Our team participated this event in the categories of National Opens (12 crews), National Mixed (22 crews) for the first day and in the categories of National Women (12 crews) and National Senior Opens (12 crew) for the second day.


In the National Open category, we managed to came in first in the heats beating Japan dragons with a good timing of 1.02s, paving way to direct semi-finals. In the semi-finals, we came in 3rd position beating strong opponent Team Alumnua and Punggol Central but lagging slightly behind Home Team Sports.




Our 22 mixed crew did well in the first heat, came in 2nd position winning Japan dragons and Republic Polytechnics with a timing of 58.31s but fell short compared to AustCham Paddle club. In the repecharge race to attempt to qualify for semi-finals, our team fought hard and came in 1st and overcame other teams like German dragons, Tampines Changkat and Japan dragons. Despite 1st position, our timing wasn’t good enough to secure a second chance to semi-finals due to strong competitions.

Nevertheless, the performance on the first day is praiseworthy considering some of the paddlers comprised of new/novice paddlers that joined our team not long ago.





It has been 2 years since we sent a ladies team down to River Regatta. We are glad that we are able to form a ladies team and compete again this year. Our ladies came in 3rd position in the heats, beating Team Sabai (Zhenghua CSC) but falling behind TJ Seahawk and Moulmein CSC. In the repecharge race, we maintained our stellar performance and came in 2nd position, ending slightly behind Tampines East (2D) but overtaking Tampines United Paddlers (TUP) and REACH dragons (Sportscares). Every stroke counts and their never-say-die effort and attitude was clearly visible across the shore.





Our senior team competed hard with team ExxonMobil in the heats and came in 1st with a timing of 1.07s which qualified them for direct semi-finals. In the semi-finals, their fighting spirit really felt roaring across the water and their tremendous relentless effort allowed them to secure 2nd placing behind Home Team Sports, beating ExxonMobil again and AustCham paddle club.




Although the four teams were unable to advance to the minor finals or finals, the break-through of National Open and Senior National Opens into the semi-finals on this national level race events showed a relatively well performance despite countless training disruption due to haze condition. The race wouldn’t go on well and complete without the helps of our supporters and volunteers on the race site too. Special thanks to them to who spent their precious time and weekend with us.


Dragonboat Challenge 2015

Some of our teammates spent their Sunday at Passion Wave participating the Dragonboat Challenge race organized by Bukit Batok East CSC. This is the second time they organized this event given the success of last year’s event. We have sent two teams mostly comprised of novice paddlers this round. The race distance was 250m.


Both teams did their best and came in 4th in the heats and the finals, racing against competitors from CSC like Sengkang West, Punggol Central and Taman Jurong. It was an overall good race exposure opportunity for new paddlers and everyone enjoyed the race and the event throughout the day.



Singapore Dragon Boat Festival (SDBF) 2015

We participated in the Singapore Dragon Boat Festival this year which was held on the 11th July & 12th July at Bedok Reservoir. For this 500m race, we fielded a 10 crew in the premium open category and another 10 crew in the senior open category. We also sent two 10 crew boats to race in the NTUC challenge Union race.


On the first day, our premium open team encountered strong opponents in the first heat like SIM Alumni, British Dragons and Singapore Prison Service and was on-par with them initially but lose out in the last charge and settled at the 5th position. However, we didn’t give up and fought harder in the repechage and managed to came in 2nd position, beating Tampines Changkat and Team Sabai. Fortunately, this allow us to qualify for semi-finals.

In the semi-finals, our team couldn’t surpass the performance of teams like Singapore Paddle Club (SPC), German dragons and Singapore Management University (SMU) and we were shy of one position to the Minor Finals base on timing.


On the second day, our senior 10 crew did their best in the single final heats competing with Taman Jurong, SAFRA and Kiyah-splashh. Despite not able to win, their fighting spirit was as strong as those raced in the premium open.


In the NTUC challenge race of 200m, team A and team B came in the 2nd and 3rd position respectively. There were some lost of composure and coordination initially compared to the winner team AUSBE who was consistent throughout. We beat Global Foundries and team HDBSU in terms of timing but there was much left for some self-reflection and future improvement.


This race has shown that we are a bit under-prepared given the relative short time frame and definitely need some rework in endurance training. It was overall a good learning experience for all especially the new paddlers.


DBS Marina Regatta 2015

Organized by DBS Bank, the DBS Marina Regatta was held on two separate weekends on the 30-31st May and 6-7 June. The first weekend was for Open Category 200m and 500m while the second weekend was for Mixed Category 200m and 500m. We took part in the 200m Opens and Mixed and 500m mixed category.

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In the open 200m race, our team came in 4th placing (behind Mountbatten, PLK and Fiilipino dragons) in the first heat but the timing was good enough to allow us to enter straight to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals, the team again came in 4th after losing out to very strong opponents like Red Dot Paddle Club, Singapore Polytechnic and NUS. However, we managed to finish ahead of Gaelic dragons and Nanyang Junior College. Similarly, our consistent timing allowed us to advance to the Minor Finals. The team battled really hard and did their best sets despite losing out to all other teams in the Minor Finals (SAFSA, NUS, PLK, NTU and Kaki Bukit One Stroke) and ended the day with a high-note. It was the first time we managed to advance to a Minor Finals and this achievement is a milestone.

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In the mixed 200m race, our team had a good head start by coming in 2nd behind Singapore Polytechnic with a timing of 55s, beating teams like Keppel Recreation Club, Singapore Civil Defense and German dragons. This allowed the team to advance straight to the semi-finals. Despite fighting hard, we came in 5th position in the semi-finals falling behind SAFSA, Kaki Bukit (One Stroke), Kiyah-Splashh and Canadian dragons.

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Our team recuperated and joined the mixed 500m race on the next day. We came in 3rd position in the heats, unable to overcome Singapore Paddle Club (SPC) and Punggol East. This led us to repecharge race where we battle with Punggol East again. The fighting spirit was high as the team fought hard for a 2nd chance to enter semi-finals. Unfortunately, we were unable to overtake Punggol East before the finishing line. Nonetheless, we managed to finish ahead of British dragons and Citi Dragons.

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Although we didn’t win any medals, it was a great racing experience for all team members. The competition and rivalry was very strong in such a large events. It was an eye opener for all of us to race along with many strong established teams and hopefully we will give other opponents a run for their money again in future races.

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DragonBattle 2015

Our team participated in the inaugural Asian dragonboat pool battle “Dragonbattle” organized by Dragonboat Innovate (DBI) and Singapore Management University (SMU) on the 16th May at Orchid Country Club. About 15 teams took part and we signed up for the Heavy Weight category, Senior category and National Unified (Mixed) category.

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The whole day event was a mixture of race and some fringe fun activites like kayak and scuba diving. The mixed team overcame teams like MBS (Marina Bay Sands dragons), United Paddlers and Kiyah-splashh in the heats. We lose out to PALS (Paddlers Against Limits) in the semi-finals but managed to secure third placing in the finals.
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The Senior team did well by beating teams like British dragons and Limited Edition. In the semi-finals, they managed to triumph over BCF (Breast Cancer Foundation) and proceeded to the Grand Finals. They met with strong opponents from Kiyah-Splashh. After two rounds of unrelenting and intense battling, they finally came in as the Champion.

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The Heavy weigth team maintained their composure and focused their strength and battled through all the way to the Grand Finals beating teams like British Dragons, Singapore Prison Service and Dragon Riders. In the Grand Finals, they met with the strong opponents: British dragons. They wasn’t complacent and knew that they have to fight harder and didn’t let loose in the final battle. From the first few powerful strokes, it was obvious that they have an upper hand against the opponents and by inch by inch they conquered and eventually crowned the Champion title.

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It was an euphoria to the team to excel in this first pool battle despite we didn’t expect much when we first signed up for the competition. All thanks for the team effort and also Kelvyn for the overall coordination.

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