DB challenge Paddlefest 2016

Our team participated in the DB Challenge Paddlefest once again organized by Bukit Batok East CSC and PA Water Venture. The race was held on Sunday (28 August) at Marina Reservoir with a race course distance of 250m. We took part in 3 categories which are the All Stars, Novice and NTUC Challenge mixed.

The All Stars team came in 3rd position in the first heat with a timing of 1:20s falling behind Taman Jurong and Sengkang Central. However, they managed to pick up and improved their timing to 1:18s in the repecharge heats resulting the first placing. The timing wasn’t good enough to qualify for the semi-finals.


The Novice team performed quite well in the first heats meeting competitors from Pioneer (REACH dragons), Team Naga and Sengkang Central and ended in 2nd placing. In the Novice race Final 3, they came in first position with a stellar performance and improved timing of nearly 2s beating other teams from Team Dragonwave and Team Naga.


Meanwhile in NTUC challenge mixed race, our team performed well in the first heat coming in first placing by beating Heathcare Service Employee’s Union (HSEU) and Port Officer’s Union (POU) with a timing of 1:17s. There was a tremendous improvement of timing by 3s in the finals and we became the champion among competitors from POU and Amalgamated Union of Statuary Board.


Overall our team performed satisfactory especially the dragons paddlers who have proven themselves well despite some racing for the first time.
